Frequently Asked Questions

What are The Irish Thoroughbred Industry Employee Awards?

The Irish Stable Staff Association initiated the Stable Staff Awards in 2005. In 2015, Godolphin came on board as the principal sponsor of the Irish Awards to further recognise and reward the achievements and dedication of stable staff on the island of Ireland.  In 2022 Irish Thoroughbred Industry Employee Awards was established as a Company Limited by Guarantee (CLG) with the purpose of administering the awards.

The awards are run in association with The Irish Stable Staff Association with Racing Post as media partner and Horse Racing Ireland assisting with the promotion and event management.  There are 10 categories generously sponsored by Godolphin.

Who is eligible to enter the awards?

The competition is open to any candidate aged 18 or older currently employed as stud or stable staff, or in a support services role to the industry, within the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland at the time of nomination. Please read the terms and conditions regarding nominating previous finalists and award winners.

Who can nominate?

Anyone can nominate; so colleagues, owners, trainers, jockeys, breeders, yard and stud managers are welcome to nominate staff or colleagues for the awards.

When do I nominate?

Nominations are open, and close on Tuesday, March 4, 2025.

How do I nominate?

All nominations must be submitted using the online nomination forms available on

What are the award categories?

Please see the award categories section for more information about the categories and prize money allocated.

I’ve entered a candidate before and wasn’t successful. Why should I nominate again?

Every year there are hundreds of worthwhile applicants and we’d love to choose each of them to win a prize in recognition of their efforts. Even if your nominee does not become a finalist, it is a huge honour to be nominated. We urge you to keep trying, even if not successful – it is hugely appreciated by those who are nominated.

If I nominated last year, can I re-nominate?

Yes. Anyone except previous winners can be re-nominated for the awards.

How are the winners chosen?

The judging committee comprises the judging committee chairperson, two representatives of The Irish Stable Staff Association and a representative from Irish Thoroughbred Breeders’ Association, Irish Horseracing Regulatory Board and Irish Racehorse Trainers’ Association.  The committee selects the winners from the nomination submitted on line.   The 8 winners (7 ITIEA, 1 Newcomer) are then interviewed by the committee and that interview helps in the selection of the Irish Racing Excellence Award winner.

What is the Irish Stablestaff Association?

Established in 1999, The Irish Stable Staff Association (ISSA) aims to protect, advise, educate and promote the basic rights of all staff that work within the racing sector of the Irish equine industry.

What is Horse Racing Ireland?

Horse Racing Ireland (HRI) is the national authority for thoroughbred racing in Ireland, with responsibility for the governance, development and promotion of the industry under the Horse and Greyhound Racing Act 2001. HRI represents Ireland on international racing bodies including the International Federation of Horseracing Authorities, the European and Mediterranean Federation of Horseracing Authorities and the European Pattern Committee.

What is Godolphin and what is its involvement?

Godolphin is the global thoroughbred breeding and horseracing operation founded by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates and Ruler of Dubai. Godolphin is the principal sponsor of the Irish Awards and also sponsors the equivalent industry awards in Britain, Australia, America and France.

Where can I find the terms and conditions?

Full terms and conditions are available here.